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and the ripples will hug the rest

Unge Inviterte, 2023, Galleri LNM, Oslo

With Jason Dunne & Simone Jarvis

and the ripples will hug the rest, 2023

Silk chiffon, acrylic medium, pigment, aquarelle pastel, copper rod. 98 x 200 cm

and the ripples will hug the rest (translucent layers 1–3), 2023

Silk chiffon, acrylic medium, pigment, aquarelle pastel, wood. 29 x 38 cm

and the ripples will hug the rest (translucent layers 2), 2023

Silk chiffon, acrylic medium, pigment, aquarelle pastel, wood. 29 x 38 cm

and the ripples will hug the rest (solid layer 2–4), 2023

Linen canvas, acrylic medium, pigment, aquarelle pastel, wood. 30 x 40 cm

and the ripples will hug the rest (translucent layers 3), 2023

Silk chiffon, acrylic medium, pigment, aquarelle pastel, wood. 29 x 38 cm

and the ripples will hug the rest (translucent layers 4), 2023

Silk chiffon, acrylic medium, pigment, aquarelle pastel, wood. 29 x 38 cm

and the ripples will hug the rest (translucent layers 5), 2023

Silk chiffon, acrylic medium, pigment, aquarelle pastel, wood. 29 x 38 cm

Photo: LNM, Runa Halleraker

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